
18 June 2012 

Assalamualaikum , and hello there readers .
May Sun shines brightly on your world . 

Talking about world , 
I'm sorry I didn't update my blog . 
My friends been pushing me to update my baby blog . 

"Life is not mean , some of the people in it just make it seem tough - mom "

"Allah gives you challenge to make you stronger - Nabil "

"Stop thinking that you are not good enough , when people say bad things about you . 
They are actually making you a better person - Iman Nazri "

I've been through 1 tough Friday , 
I was crying my heart off . 
People call me stupid because I Failed 2 subjects in my exams .

These three people have been the light at the end of the tunnel .
My tears fade away . Although I'm still angry with those capital B mouths , 
I decided to forgive 'em . 

Instead of processing their words , 
I listen to nice songs like Titanium .
And , Zubir was being sweet by singing me Run . 
I was giggling so hard till my head wanna burst . 

In the end , I knew who are my real friends and who's not . 
People gonna talk , But I'm the one that going to make a change in my life . 
All they are gonna be is mean . 

I have my spirits back up , 
gonna held my head high , looking at the cloud . 
chin up and move forward . 

I am who I am , no one will be able to change me beside myself . 
Have faith in Allah SWT . 
He's the one that give us this challenge . 
Cause He knows the best ! 

We have to get through the tough times before we move on to our happiness .

Although its stormy now , sooner or later . 
The rain will come , and they will be a rainbow after a rain . 

Keep Your HEAD Held HIGH , 

Love , 
That Writer Next Door