27th April 2012

Assalamualaikum , 
hello there . I'm finally updating my baby blog again . 
I've been a little bit busy with life . 

# 37 
Being Special 

Special is a big word . It symbolize things that happen in life . 

As you know , everyone is special in their on way . 
Every person is that One in 7 billion people in the whole wide world .
But , what we don't realize is how lucky we are living in our lives . 

You may nag about why you don't get all the designers handbag like your rich friends have and 
why you're sixteen and don't have a boyfriend . 

I do admit that things like that may bring us down . 
But , look on the bright side . 
At least you have a nice life , you are not living in the country which is now on war ,  
you have both of your parents and you have supporting friends who stays with you no matter how hard life is . 

Don't you know that they are less fortunate people in this world ?
Who starve to death , who don't even own a shirt , lost both of their parents and have no friends .

We don't always take situations like that don't we ?
I've always considered myself to be lucky and special to be in this body , in this country , with this family . 

If you think you're alone in this world and no one care , 
turn yourself back to Allah SWT .Because He promise to be by the side of the people who never leave Him.
Whenever you're sad , thinking how hard life is . 
Think how hard those kids who are in war lifes' . No matter how tough the world is , they never give up hope in order to survive . 

Take yourself as special , 
because you are special when you think you are . 
Life is empty without hardness . 
Lets make this world a better place with smiles :) 

Yours Truthfully ,