once a girl , now a lady !

Hello february babies ! we rock !

Happy Birthday to my dearest kakak siti faiza or Ara Iviannqa Viguesta .
lets go by her twitter name SummerDCruz . she's Freekin' FAMOUS!!

dear kak pell,
Happy 18th birthday !!
you are now officially a lady ! no longer a little girl .
dah boleh buang all those teenage clothes .
dah boleh kahwin ni , kak pell :)

I wish you all the happiness in the world,
Patience that only sky is the limit ,
*ayat bm karangan kejap*
ketabahan yang tidak berbelah-bahagi ,
kejayaan yang paling tinggi
DAN ..
semoga cepatlah kak pell punya impian nak pergi Mekah & Paris tercapai . amin

2012 was your best year ,
may 2013 be better ! insyaAllah .

please jangan hilang gelak donkey & pontianak kak pell .
I love you from here to the sun !

Happy Birthday again kak pell , the prettiest 18 year old that looks like Miranda kerr ..

can you remember that awkward first phone call we had ?
*ran away and hide
 may we lasts forever ! amin.
i'm so blessed that Allah swt arranged that I knew you .

One more thing kak pell , you're skinny ! jangan la diet .
and sorry i wished a lil bit late cause i'm in penang , timezone philipines . haha

here are your pictures i snatched last year .