9th February 2012

# 29 

Assalamualaikum , 
hello there readers , 

My post today is dedicated to SMOKERS , 
yeah you ! 

Do you know what is inside a cigar that you smoke everyday ?

Here's the fact !

tadaa , 
here is what in your cigar ! 

and we strangers , family and friends , don't want to be a secondary smoker. 

So can you smokers wear a plastic bag while you're smoking , so you'll enjoy the smoke to yourself and doesn't effect us ! 

If the harmful items are not combined , would you dare smoke each of the above items ?
No you wont ! 

So why are you making your life shorter when you know the consequences of smoking ?
Why are you wasting your money for this harmful things ?

Think about your loved ones , 
can you bare seeing them hurt ?

Its never too late to stop . 
Especially teenagers out there , 
stop wasting time because you have a long way to go . 
And you'll be the one looking after your parents when they're old . 
Not them looking for you when you have cancer 15 years from now . 

Not only you'll be dead , 
there's several cancers such as lung cancer , mouth cancer and etc  
 that you may have if you don't stop now . 

Can you imagine losing one foot in 10 years time ?
Do you want that to happen to you ?

Have some guts to stop , and seek medical attention if possible . 
Or take the over the shelves medications available at pharmacies . 
There's a lot of ways to stop , 
all you got to do , is have WILL POWER . 

Lets make our life happier without diseases , should we ?

Love ,